CIA's can have a major bearing on project development.
We work with local Iwi on reporting across a range of factors.
Tamaki Makaurau – Tamaki Here Nga Waka
E Nga Mana – E Nga Reo – E Nga Karanga Maha
E nga Tangata Whenua e paa ana mai ki nga rohe o Tamaki Makaurau whanui tonu.
Tenei te mihi kia koutou [insert tribe] e paa ana ki tenei mahi whakahirahira
e whakamana ake te whenua. Tena Koutou Katoa.
The Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan includes new provisions that identify areas of cultural significance to iwi. This requires developers to approach the affected iwi for a Mana Whenua Cultural Impact Assessment (MWCIA). Many sites will require the input of more than one Mana Whenua group. The Mana Whenua Cultural Impact Assessment will take into account the nature, size, scale and effect that any proposed work or development will have on cultural wellbeing outcomes as defined by each iwi. This process is necessary in order to protect resources and places of significance or value to Mana Whenua.
The services that Waka Nui Partners provide are relevant to your iwi as the assessment process can be complex and challenging. In association with Subdivision Solutions, the principals of Waka Nui Partners have been involved in working in Tamaki Makaurau for over two decades as consultants who co-ordinate a range of services. We offer a breadth and depth of knowledge and experience as detailed here.
We also coordinate expert services from geotechnical engineers, arborists, ecologists and investigative scientists.
Waka Nui Partners will be pleased to talk with you about how our services can facilitate the MWCIA process on behalf of your iwi.
No reira, rau rangatira ma, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou.
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