Subdivision refers to the creation of individual titles for specific areas or lots within a larger 'parent' block of land. You can find out more on our Subdivisons page.
Cross-leasing is a type of Subdivision whereby each party jointly owns the underlying title. However due to changes in legislation the costs are almost identical to freehold subdivision.
If your goal is simply to create an additional home or rental accommodation on your property, depending on local Council planning regulations, you may not be required to subdivide in order to build. Determining this is part of our assessment process.
In general, if you are able to comply with lot area requirements and planning restrictions, you will be able to construct a second dwelling without needing to make a subdivision application. This is subject to resource consent approval demonstrating that separate lot area compliance can be achieved.
Subdivision is not always required to build an additional dwelling on your property, though having separate titles offers financial flexibility, and maximizes the value of your development.
As long as we can comply with planning requirements, there is generally no need for neighbours approval. Following our assessment, we will advise you accordingly.
While local Councils impose a minimum site area for vacant land subdivision, we can generally subdivide below the minimum land area for a vacant lot if we can demonstrate that a new house will fit onto the proposed site, subject to complying with the town planning rules for that zone. This is referred to as a complying development application
If you send us a copy of your existing site plan, we can determine whether this option is achievable for you. There is no charge for us to do this, although our advice will be subject to the accuracy and reliability of your existing plans.
If either a vacant lot or complying development subdivision appears to be possible, our next step would be to carry out a detailed topographic site survey to confirm there is sufficient area available for the new house or vacant lot.
Depending on the site and the issues encountered, the process usually takes around 6 to 9 months.
Yes, we have all of the contacts required to get council approval and complete the subdivision.
Should neighbours approval be required, there are specific forms we will provide.
In many instances, we can amend the proposed design to avoid needing neighbours consent, or to meet their wishes.
In this scenario, access permission from the property owner will be required. There are specific forms which we will provide.
Depending on Council requirements, we may still be able to subdivide based on the overall land area.
As long as the trees are not specifically protected, Council usually allows removal with replacement planting.
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