We've worked all across the Auckland region.

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What our clients say...

To Whom it May Concern
I've worked alongside Jim for about seven years in a professional capacity. Apart from coming to know Jim as a straight up guy who works with high levels of integrity and ethics he has also impressed me with his breadth and depth of knowledge in the area of subdivisions and town planning.
He has been a valuable asset to my business. I can and do recommend Jim to my own clients.
Emma Verberne,  Jennian Homes
Excellent Jim!
It's good working with you as you take care of all the details. I have almost reached a solution with Steven on the method of stormwater disposal. Hope to get this cleared up today.
Wayne Teagle,  Development Engineer - Auckland Council
We decided to subdivide our section in Mangere Bridge and build a house down the back for us to live in and for this we had to submit to the rigours of Council rules, architect's plans, tradesmen's priorities and much more. The process was far too daunting for us to undertake by ourselves. The next door neighbour, with time on her hands, had done it by herself, but succumbed to many pitfalls.
I found Jim's company online and was impressed by his straightforward and helpful manner. We decided to go with Subdivision Solutions to lead us through the first and most daunting part of the process. Jim made clear what his costs were from the outset. His e-mails were prompt and thorough. He was responsive to our design preferences in drawing up his site plan. He was happy to chat on the phone at any time.
But above all, his long experience in dealing with the Council, his knowledge of the subdivision process and its snags and pitfalls meant the business of subdividing was made reasonably straight forward for us. As first time sub-dividers, we could not have done it without him.
As well, Jim is unfailingly good natured and professional in all his dealings. You always get the feeling he is truly on your side. We strongly recommend him.
  • Subdivison, Resource Consent for new house; Mangere Bridge
Malcolm McAllister,  Owners
We first contacted James Rolfe with regard to subdividing our property. From the first meeting, he proved to be very knowledgeable and helpful. His friendly manner and openness with us was very much appreciated. He prepared a number of options for us and always explained the reasons, and pros and cons of each. We worked with Jim over a period of about a month, during which time he acted very professionally and was always prepared to answer any of our questions fully and provided us with the information we required.
We would have no hesitation in recommending him to other clients who require a qualified professional to answer any queries they have with property subdivision or in the preparation of plans for subdivision or building. His knowledge of the regulations and requirements of council is first class.
  • Subdivison; Bucklands Beach
Barry & Fay Bellamy,  Owners
Jim and the team from Subdivison Solutions has done several jobs for me, including a 3 Lot, and a 7 Lot subdivision in Papatoe. I have found Jim's work to be spot on, doing more than required. Jim takes special interest in the job, and has the attitude that he will get the job done and find solutions.
  • Subdivison, Resource Consent for new house; Papatoe
  • Subdivison, Resource Consent for three new houses; Papatoe
Khuram Aziz,  Owner
We recently had Subdivision Solutions help us with a time expired resource consent. First thoughts were to re-do what we had previously planned; splitting one large section into two. This had problems as the front section land area was not enough for the house, and a sub dwelling already existing on the proposed front section. Pursuing this meant asking council and neighbours for permission to exceed permitted land use.
Jim, utilising his civil engineering experience, knowledge of council requirements, and ability to think outside the square, came up with a design concept making a 3-way split that fulfilled council criteria, did not involve neighbours, suited existing buildings and improved the subdivision.
When plans were lodged with council, resource consent was approved without any change or condition. We can now proceed with the engineering work without major demands arising from the resource consent.
  • Subdivison, Resource Consent for new house; Bucklands Beach
Mike & Merrilyn Jackson,  Owners
I have used Jim Rolfe's services from Subdivision Solutions several times.
I am pleased with their services and advice given to date. They are prompt, reliable and conscientious in their ability to supply professional advice before doing unconditional in a land purchase or finding old deeds that have managed to enhance land values.
Don't hesitate to call should you require further information.
  • Subdivison & Resource Consents; Takapuna
David Gaze,  Owner - Gaze Commercial

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